28 Jan 2010

Ring Magnet

The Ring Magnet works perfectly over many game plays with a 5A SB fuse installed
  • Have left it like that for now, worth the risk to be able to play correctly.
  • An RGP search says that this can be a problem on some games. May try the 4A SB fuses again to see if they blow, but I'm enjoying the game working right now!
Got the pin-cushions and a replacement coin mech from supplier. Fitted cab protectors under legs, should have had them there from new. Fitted coin mech.

Found a gate switch was not connected up from Stern factory! Wasn't always registering the "Merry" lane. I was sure I was making the shot.
  • Technical name was switch #21 - Rt. Orbit High. Stern had left off the "Z" connector so there were 2 female sockets hanging- one on the harness and one on the switch.
  • After checking over wire colours, connected them up with a 2-pins from a .156" header and it's been working ever since. Yay!

  1. Switched off the feature that spots "free" Fellowship members each ball, now that Merry lane registers.
  2. Adjusted spot light reflector on LH Helms deep (took it off and flipped it over). Ball was slowing on it going down LH return lane.
  3. Printed out a better Instruction card on photo paper and cut it to size.

24 Jan 2010

# Ring Magnet Blues #

Got those low-down # Ring Magnet Blues # today.

Ring isn't holding the ball anymore, didn't notice it right away.
Had worked OK for a day or two so:
  • Checked over the switches and optos associated with the ring. There is a special Ring Test (sounds painful, doesn't it?)
  • Spinner #52 not stuck and only makes when it should.  All switches are showing as normal during the ring tests.
  • Optos at #47 and trough exit #48 are fine.  I'm pretty good with this stuff, and everything looks good to me!
  • Magnet will do a "hold and drop" with a 4A SB (slo-blo) fuse, but "grab and throw" will blow the fuse.
    That's where it throws the ball behind the ring and out the wireform.  It needs to be able to do this!
  • To get "grab and throw" to work at all, need install a 5A SB , or a mini-circuit breaker rated at 5A.
     It definitely blows a 4A SB or 5A Fast-blo fuse when the game tries to "grab and throw" the ball.
Today was not a good pinball day.     :(