12 Feb 2010

No changes today, but a good score

Didn't get to play pinball until after 9pm

Got my best score so far 130M+ may not seem much to the hard core types, but good for me.
Won an extra ball and almost did all the Movie multiballs twice. Also got Super Jackpot (on ROTK Multiball, I think).  Had set the DTR to 2 balls to watch what that does.

After you make the 4 lit shots, it holds the first ball you shoot into the ring and you knock it out with a second ball. Couldn't hit right through and knock it out.

Have done DTR, just not on the 2 ball setting. Oh well, top score on my game. Had to stop for now, won't do better tonight.

9 Feb 2010

Called Stern about Magnet

Still using the same fuse for the ring magnet after swapping to a 5A SB.
Decided today to go back and try a 4A SB again today Now it can't even do a "grab and drop", will blow that if the ball is coming up the ramp at speed.
Tried a 5A Fast (normal fuse) again and it does "grab and drop" over and over and even could "grab and throw"- but blows while playing a game.

Enjoying the game too much to lose the magnet feature, so put back the original 5A SB which works.

No permanent damage to the game has appeared so far. But I decided to call Stern technical support 1-800-kickers when they open around 9am.
Told Stern the problem with the specified 4A SB fuse rating. That I thought the switches were all good and working in test mode.
To my amazement, Stern said they hadn't heard of this fuse problem. I know my distributor already said he emailed about it. They got me to:
  • Start a game, test the magnet with a ball, by holding it just outside the ring on my palm and spinning the spinner with my other hand.
  • Banged on the playfield to see if any switches were causing the magnet to fire at the wrong time. That looked OK to me.
  • Measure the voltages on a few of the transistor tabs for HV coils which was about 73-74v DC. That's OK (when no load)
  • Measure the resistance of the coil at the backboard with my best DMM, I got about 3.3 ohms they said it should read 2.9 but it's near enough.
    With the black and read DMM leads touching together, the DMM should say 0 ohms. It showed a few tenths of an ohm, maybe 0.2 ohms.
    So I need to test this again after replacing the DMM battery.
After gathering the facts Stern said they would "do some research and get back to me". Had a discussion that you can't use ohms law to calculate the fuse current, as the coil is pulsed by switching the transistor on and off quickly (PCM).

If I had to guess, I'd still say 4A SB is under rated for the application.