I've always wanted to post that online. I use the phrase Testerooo when testing if google and my Internet is working, and you do get several hundred hits. Now one gets people to my LOTR blog.
Sorry to spam you if you aren't interested in LOTR Pinball.
OK on to pinball:
I had one of those wonderful games the other day, the mythical "first ball ball would not drain" situation.
I nearly got to TABA, beating some of the modes, Gandalf vs. Saruman is one that I always like to win. Won one of the Movie Multiballs (TTT). Got loads of the Fellowship across the bridge in FOTR multiball, and nearly defeated the Balrog. And all on ball #1 (including extra balls). I couldn't complete "Destroy the Ring" although I got the 4 lanes and on to "Gollum has the Ring" probably faster than ever before. But I drained and would have had to start all over again. Still I had 58,000,000+ by the second ball which is good for me. It was an amazing game up to the last few balls, I think 5 in all (2 extra balls). But in the end I didn't get to grand champion.
Some youngster came over and thrashed my LOTR LE and put up a highscore of 181, 760,000
Ken said he didn't get TABA or to DTR, just kept getting Super Jackpots and hitting his shots during multiball. So there are different ways to play the game. I tend to be "goal" and "mode" oriented rather than worrying about the highscore. I played early pinball like that too, preferring to win games on "specials" or the features like "Ransom (in BK2K) or "Deluxe" (in EBD) rather than just points. But sometimes that comes naturally for you too, when you are already doing well beating the modes and game challenges.
I hate just looping the same shot over and over, rinse and repeat because that is the way to get a highscore on the game. Although I can see in tournament play why you have to approach things in a clinical way. I think I'd rather be having fun.