6 Oct 2010

LOTR "One Ring" Shooter Mod

Decided to order the LOTR Custom Ring Shooter made by Tom Wible.  $64.99 + $5 ship.  He does some amazing stuff, and announced on RGP that he was doing 20 more LOTR shooters. Having the One Ring suspended in the shooter is one of the nicer looking mods available for LOTR, and especially on the gold themed LE.   Tom's website is:   Tom's Twilight Zone PB Machine Accessories

He also made a cool Rolling (pin)Ball Sculpture.  There's a link at the bottom of the page. Been thinking lately doing a similar thing, some kind of kinetic pinball sculpture.  There is a musical one that still works at Logan Airport in Boston, MA.  I think terminal C (or now in E), anyway it's in international arrivals.  I remember watching it when younger, it's called Exercise in Frugality by George Rhoads you can find his work all over the place in the USA.  You probably have one near you.