23 Jan 2010

Some Snags and Mods

Some Snags and Mods.
  • Found a #906 bulb in bottom of cabinet. From the game, somewhere!  Did tests and Flasher behind Barad-dur was missing, it fell out:
  1. Tried an Orange LED for that flasher as it might look good with the eye decal, but it didn't fit properly. So put #906 bulb back. All OK.
  2. Realised that Barad-dur tower is really noisy when held down, maybe normal. Set the "early-crash" setting for tower to "no", as I didn't like that sound.
  3. Added a colour changing #44 LED from Bruce at BC's Pinball* behind the Palantir, which is a nice touch. For the Palantir insert to colour change, you need the #555 style LED.
  • Over time I plan to add the figures with some plastics and protectors.  The distributor included a complete(?!) set of figures with the LE as a freebie. Yay!  That's what a distributor's surprise should be.
BCS Pinball Colour changing #44 LED for Palantir from BC's Pinball. For the Palantir Insert to colour change, get the #555 one too. Both are $3.50 ea. (Feb 2010)

Another good use for the #555 LED is the "?" on the TZ Door. It's ALL personal opinion with LEDs.  Good for accents here and there.

Some time ago I ordered:

  • Complete plastic set with the mounting holes for the figures, as I decided I didn't want to drill holes in the original LOTR-LE set.
  • Cliffy protector for the Gimli hole (VUK)* and a PoTD plastic deflector* - for the Path of the Dead which evens out the scoring of lanes 1 & 2.

I've decided to keep a list of LOTR mods and the part numbers / suppliers separate from this blog.
  • No coin mechs in coin door- what? from new? Distributor had pulled them, offered to send some out. Was not that bothered- had been looked after well so far.
  • Folks complained about getting Canadian coin mechs in the USA on RGP and then I get USA ones and I don't care!