25 Mar 2010

Replaced the Shire VUK switch,

Replaced the Shire VUK switch, part number 180-5116-01. Spec on side of switch says Cherry .1A 125v E63.

How to remove the Bottom Left VUK coil and bracket from under the PF (playfield) to change the "forked switch":
  1. Take out the two largest bolts first, using a cross-head (phillips) screwdriver on the top and 11/32" nut runner (or socket) on the bottom..  Remove the metal VUK "arch" from the top of the playfield.
  2. Remove the two lower wood screws (1/4" drive) leaving the one on the corner near the T-nut.
  3. Supporting the Coil Bracket, remove the last 1/4" screw.
  4. Unclip the connector from the coil and VUK.  Remove coil and bracket assembly.
  5. Microswitch small screws are 3/16".  As before, to remve the switch right you need a nut driver (or socket) that size.
You should be able to slide the heatshrink tubing all the way up the wires, solder on the new switch and then slide them back down in place. If not, use new heatshrink tubing.
Assembly is above steps in reverse. Test in switch tests and throwing a ball in there in attract mode. Job done.

Noticed that a ball had hung on the bottom Legolas ramp for another player when struck very lightly.  Caused a ball search and "chase ball" to be served.  I had seen this before, so while the PF was up, I tightened three 11/32" bolts at the bottom of the habitrail.  One (on right side) seemed very loose, which may fix it. (didn't work)

Put a #555 bulb-style color changing LED in the Palantir Insert to try there.  Seems to have a different flash rate to the Palantir LED.

Dipped 10 x #44 clear bulbs (recovered on 23rd March) in "GlassART Light Green" to make green bulbs.  These are for GI along the left side of the PF and under the slingshots.

Re-wrote a comic strip on Monday to be more about me, although the drawing is not mine.  Called a mash-up.  Had an argument with my wife (we are usually compatible, even on pinball related things).  I got angry, took a (D-ahem)Gilbert comic and had fed her to the Pinball Orcs by Wednesday.

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